This professional development opportunity is a project in conjunction with OCEE and the Oklahoma State Department of Education (OSDE).
This module provides middle and high school teachers with the personal finance content necessary to teach a personal finance course or to incorporate the standards into other courses. The course covers all 14 standards of personal financial literacy and reviews the OSDE curriculum with commentary by Oklahoma educators. In addition to content instruction, teachers will learn about a variety of free high-quality resources they can use to further connect and engage students in owning their financial success.
This course addresses the state-mandated requirement of professional development for teaching personal finance in Oklahoma.
Instructions for starting this module:
- If you don’t already have an account on OSDE Connect, click here to create one or to log in OSDE Connect Platform.
- Once you have created an account or are logged in, select the green +Add button. Search for “Teaching Personal Financial Literacy.” Add the course and begin!
If you need any assistance in getting started or completing the course please contact Janie Goodman at or 405.974.6233.