Standard 14: Charitable Giving

  1. Identify types of charitable giving (e.g., monetary gifts, gifts-in-kind, and volunteer service) ?
  2. Describe the impact of charitable giving on the individual (e.g., budget, time, personal satisfaction, and tax benefits) and the community.
  3. Identify tools to research a charitable organization’s mission/purpose, activities, and recipients (e.g., specific organizations’ Web sites, Guidestar®, and regulatory agencies) ?

Online Curriculum and Lesson Plans

Making $en$e: Financial Success for Oklahoma Students – Oklahoma State Department of Education | view now

  • Module 14.1: Charitable Contributions
  • Module 14.2: Checking Out Charitable Groups

It Just Adds Up lessons | view now

  • Lesson 14 –Charitable Contributions: Giving to Others

OCEE Lessons:

FinancialLessonsFinal4 - image

Charitable Giving: Make a Difference, Donate! | Download now





OKCNM_Economic and Financial Impact OCEE - Lesson Image_Page_1  The Real Meaning of Community Service:
The Economic and Financial Impact of the Oklahoma
City Bombing| Download now