Standard 9: Fraud and Identity Theft

  1. Describe potential methods of identity theft and unfair, fraudulent business practices (e.g., medical, pyramid schemes, bait and switch, hacking, dumpster diving, forgery, false billing, skimming, changing
    address, and phishing).

  2. Describe ways to recognize and avoid identity theft (e.g., review monthly financial statements and annual credit reports; and protect personal information and online passwords).
  3. Describe methods to correct problems arising from identity theft and fraudulent business practices (e.g., contact national credit bureaus and local/state law enforcement agencies).

Online Curriculum and Lesson Plans

Making $en$e: Financial Success for Oklahoma Students – Oklahoma State Department of Education | view now

  • Module 9.1: Beware! Consumer Fraud | view now
  • Module 9.2: Beware! Identity Theft | view now

It Just Adds Up lessons | view now

  • Lesson 17 – Protecting Your Identity

Council for Economic Education Lessons

Financial Fitness for Life, Bringing Home the Gold, (9-12) Teacher Guide

  • Lesson 18 – Consumer Credit Protection
  • Lesson 19 – Scams and Schemes